Monday 30 August 2021

Paralympic Math


Today For Math in Lockdown we had to do stuff about the Paralympics. I'm not sure if I did it correctly but I think I did. This was interesting to do because I got to learn and see how many medals that people can get over the years of the Olympics. 

Friday 27 August 2021

Convert improper fraction to mixed numbers


While in lockdown we had to do some maths. I thought this was hard to do but I sort of learned how to do it.

Friday 13 August 2021


 This term we did some art. We got to chose what we did the art on but it had to be on a sport. I choose League because it's one of my main sports I also did another one but it's not done. It's also on league but it's a kicking one. I don't normally like doing art but this here was cool because we got to do it on a sport we like. I also got to learn how to blend using pastel. Here is my artwork


Monday 31 May 2021

Dixon House Writing

 Dixon House

On Tuesday we went to Dixon's house to read to all the old people there. When we first got there I was a little nervous because I haven’t really been around people that I don’t know and then read. When I first walked into Dixon's house they all looked at us like we were just doing what we wanted but then someone told them that we were here to read to them. 

When we got told to either get a buddy or got by ourselves because there wouldn’t be enough people. So I went with Max and we went to a man called Alan. Alan was trying to read the word but he couldn’t quite get the words out. Me and were reading stupid baby. When we were done reading to him we were walking around trying to figure out who to read to next. Then the people who worked there came up and said would you like to read to Janet. Janet could still read and talk. She would do all the actions the book said. 

When the book said the grumpy grandpa snord she would too. When the grandpa said that he was angry. Janet would make jokes about him. The jokes she said were pretty funny. One of them that she said was when grandpa would go clean the garage he would do heaps of other things like painting the fence and gardening. Janet said all he needs to do is look at it. It's so old but not as old as him though.

Monday 24 May 2021

Chinese skyscraper wobbling

Today early in the morning when school started we did current events. After we did the quiz we got to choose what question when got to do and I choose the Chinese skyscraper. I really liked learning about different stuff around the world like China. I didn't even know that it wobbled and that it was 21 years old. One part that I didn't really like was getting the research.

Tuesday 13 April 2021

Morse Code

 .... .. --..-- / -- -.-- / -. .- -- . / .. ... / -.- --- .... . -. --..-- / .- -. -.. / - --- -.. .- -.-- / .. / .... .- -.. / - --- / -.. --- / ... - ..- ..-. ..-. / .- -... --- ..- - / .- -. --.. .- -.-. .-.-.- / .-- . / .... .- -.. / ... .. -..- / --- .--. - .. --- -. ... / - --- / .-.. . .- .-. -. / ..-. .-. --- -- / .- -. -.. / .. / -.-. .... --- ... . / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. . / -... . -.-. .- ..- ... . / .. - / .-.. --- --- -.- . -.. / .. -. - . .-. . ... - .. -. --. .-.-.-

Hi, my name is Kohen, and today I had to do stuff about Anzac. We had six options to learn from and I chose morse code because it looked interesting.

Today we had to do morse code and the morse coding is at the top and what I wrote is in the second row.

Digital Dig


Taiao has been doing a digital dig. The digital dig is seventeen slides that you have to fill out that's based on what all the shortcuts mean and if you know them all. I liked doing this because some of shortcuts I didn't know I found out.

Prince Philip's death


Yesterday when did the current event quiz. The current event quiz is 15 questions and 5 photo questions so there was20all up. After the quiz, we got to chose what answer we want to do. I chose to do the death of Prince Philip because I wanted to learn about him, what he has done to the world and how he is a prince. I like doing this because you get to learn stuff that you don't know about and you get to do a quiz.

Monday 12 April 2021

ANZAC photo montage


Today we were talking about Anzac and how the war started. We read a book called enemy and it was based on how people felt. I really liked the book it really made me listen it was saying how one team got a book and what the other team was like, but then the other team had the same book but saying what the other team was like.

Adding decimal

For maths, we had to add decimals. It was a bit wonky but I got the answer correct and I also explained how I did it. I liked getting to explain and write what I was doing. Something I didn't like was if I was inside it would be loud so I went outside and people were on the playground and on the field so I went on the court but people kept running past.

Wednesday 31 March 2021

8 good reasons why fitness is good for you

 Today Taiao and Whenua did the 4j's. 4j's is 2.5km. One of the teachers makes it for the year 8s for their willam pike challeges. The teachers make to get their fitness up but now it's for taiao and Whenua. The average time is about 13:30.

Tuesday 23 March 2021

Kawa of care


In Taiao we have been learning about the kawa of care. There was a couple of things that I didn't put in like don't eat around your Chromebook or don't tell anyone your password, make sure to charge your Chromebook before you come to school. We had to write about one but I did two. I choose to not eat or drink around your Chromebook and how to hold your Chromebook.

Tuesday 16 March 2021

Energy Mobile

Energy Mobile

For T-Shaped literacy, we had to make a mobile about energy. I did my mobile with Max. There are all different types of energy as potential, kinetic, Solar, Nuclear, Hydro, Wind, Thermal, Chemicals, and more. It took up to a day to do. This is what Max and I did.

Friday 26 February 2021

Nelson Speedway

 Nelson speedway

On Lansdowne road, in Richmond, I went to speedway and raced. Richmond is south of Nelson, 7.5km apart from each over. I went to the mall for lunch. Once we got to lunch we went to speedway and got the cars out. I went to the track to look at it, it looked wet and small.


Once it was five o clock I went out for my first race. When it was time to grid up I was right behind the person in front of me. When the lights went green my right foot went straight down to the ground. The track was mudyer than it has ever been. I went into the first corner sideways thinking I was going to spin up. Mud was flicking all over me. I drove into the pits and got my helmet, beleclaver, and earpieces off. I was so hot I tipped water all over me to cool down.


In the winter speedway is not on, but if it was, the track would be wet and muddy. Cars would be everywhere and you would get hot. If it rained in the winter and is the same in the summer you can’t race. You can’t race when it's raining because it could damage your car as in blowing up a motor.

Thursday 25 February 2021



For learning languages, Taiao has been learning French with french. Miss G said to choose a place that speaks french and I chose niger because I don't know that much about it and I didn't even know it was a place. This was cool learning about the river and that it's one of the top ten longest rivers. When I saw the river I thought that it would be the biggest but it wasn't.