Wednesday 31 March 2021

8 good reasons why fitness is good for you

 Today Taiao and Whenua did the 4j's. 4j's is 2.5km. One of the teachers makes it for the year 8s for their willam pike challeges. The teachers make to get their fitness up but now it's for taiao and Whenua. The average time is about 13:30.

Tuesday 23 March 2021

Kawa of care


In Taiao we have been learning about the kawa of care. There was a couple of things that I didn't put in like don't eat around your Chromebook or don't tell anyone your password, make sure to charge your Chromebook before you come to school. We had to write about one but I did two. I choose to not eat or drink around your Chromebook and how to hold your Chromebook.

Tuesday 16 March 2021

Energy Mobile

Energy Mobile

For T-Shaped literacy, we had to make a mobile about energy. I did my mobile with Max. There are all different types of energy as potential, kinetic, Solar, Nuclear, Hydro, Wind, Thermal, Chemicals, and more. It took up to a day to do. This is what Max and I did.