Monday 30 August 2021

Paralympic Math


Today For Math in Lockdown we had to do stuff about the Paralympics. I'm not sure if I did it correctly but I think I did. This was interesting to do because I got to learn and see how many medals that people can get over the years of the Olympics. 

Friday 27 August 2021

Convert improper fraction to mixed numbers


While in lockdown we had to do some maths. I thought this was hard to do but I sort of learned how to do it.

Friday 13 August 2021


 This term we did some art. We got to chose what we did the art on but it had to be on a sport. I choose League because it's one of my main sports I also did another one but it's not done. It's also on league but it's a kicking one. I don't normally like doing art but this here was cool because we got to do it on a sport we like. I also got to learn how to blend using pastel. Here is my artwork
