Monday 31 May 2021

Dixon House Writing

 Dixon House

On Tuesday we went to Dixon's house to read to all the old people there. When we first got there I was a little nervous because I haven’t really been around people that I don’t know and then read. When I first walked into Dixon's house they all looked at us like we were just doing what we wanted but then someone told them that we were here to read to them. 

When we got told to either get a buddy or got by ourselves because there wouldn’t be enough people. So I went with Max and we went to a man called Alan. Alan was trying to read the word but he couldn’t quite get the words out. Me and were reading stupid baby. When we were done reading to him we were walking around trying to figure out who to read to next. Then the people who worked there came up and said would you like to read to Janet. Janet could still read and talk. She would do all the actions the book said. 

When the book said the grumpy grandpa snord she would too. When the grandpa said that he was angry. Janet would make jokes about him. The jokes she said were pretty funny. One of them that she said was when grandpa would go clean the garage he would do heaps of other things like painting the fence and gardening. Janet said all he needs to do is look at it. It's so old but not as old as him though.

Monday 24 May 2021

Chinese skyscraper wobbling

Today early in the morning when school started we did current events. After we did the quiz we got to choose what question when got to do and I choose the Chinese skyscraper. I really liked learning about different stuff around the world like China. I didn't even know that it wobbled and that it was 21 years old. One part that I didn't really like was getting the research.