Friday 30 November 2018

Waka work

Dear Dion & Harrison
If We were on the first waka that came to New Zealand We would feel alive because We would have found A place for maori people to live and have fun and most importantly learning we would have learned how to fish how to weave clothing and all that stuff and that’s all peps

BY Kohen & Harlem

Thursday 22 November 2018

W.A.L.T write maths games.

Step 1. click on Google Chrome and make a new tab in type Google drive and then press enter and click on go to Google Drive.
step 2. click on the plus in the top left corner and clip on Google slides and then click on untitled presentation and then press enter.
step 3. click on click to add a title and then write maths quiz and then click on click to add subtitle and right by and then your name.
step 4.  press on the plus on top of the number one or if you don't see it through this click on the plus and the top left corner and write your questions say like 2 + 2 = whatever and then highlight the question and double click and you should see link then click on it 
step 5. press slides and the presentation click next slide impress apply and highlight and again and press control u do a happy and sad slide.

Wednesday 7 November 2018

Guy Fawkes

This the slideshow Aly and I make.

Thursday 1 November 2018


WALT: I used foam shapes to make a pattern.
 I enjoyed making it. I found it challenging because it was hard to find the shapes.

To be BTB I could make it bigger

how to use verbs

WALT: How to learn what verbs mean. I enjoyed making the poster. What I found hard is writing the sentence. to make my work btb I need to put photos.