Wednesday 25 March 2020

blog post about what i'm doing in isolation

In isolation so far I have been down to dad's work because dad brought a 1/4 midget witch is a speedway car. When dad showed Lakyn and I was excited and I asked dad if I could sit in the 1/4 midget and he said yes so I hopped in the top of it and the seat is really small so it was hard to get in the seat. The 1/4 midget isn't that tall because I'm taller than it.
After that, I went home and then Jack, Connor and Nana came down and picked Lakyn and I up and we went New world and Connor, Lakyn and I had to wait in the car and Jack and Nana went into New world and Jack and Nana were allowed to stay beside each over because they live together but they had to stay 1.5 meters away from everyone else. And they were only allowed, 5 people in the supermarket at a time. Once Jack and Nana were done at the supermarket we went to Nanas work and got some food and then went home.


  1. Sounds like a busy first day of self isolation for you. Is the speedway car for dad? If you found it hard to sit in it how do you think he will go?

    What are your plans for the rest of the time? Are you going to learn something new? I am going to try to learn the guitar...

    1. No mum and Dad brought the race car for Lakyn and I. And I have no idea what i'm doing. Plus i dont have a guitar so i cant learn how to play it.


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